Gut Health

Dietary recommendation to prevent Constipation

At the very least, constipation is uncomfortable, and sometimes it can be downright painful.  Plenty of fiber, fluids, and exercise can help keep bowel movements regular. And for those times when you need some gentle assistance, natural supplements might be the answer.

Bowel habits can vary widely from person to person, but most doctors would agree that anyone who passes hard stools more than three times a week is constipated. In addition, if you frequently have to strain to defecate, you also may benefit from therapies aimed at relieving constipation.

What causes it

In the majority of cases, constipation occurs because of a lack of fiber and fluids in the diet. Other contributing factors include insufficient exercise or prolonged inactivity; severe depression; and medical disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, high blood calcium levels, and sluggish thyroid or colon cancer. Overuse of laxatives or some antacids can impair bowel activity, and certain medications (including drugs for high blood pressure, antidepressants, and narcotic pain relievers) can also cause constipation.

How supplements can help Any abrupt change in your usual frequency of bowel movements may be a sign of a more serious underlying disorder, such as cancer or a bowel obstruction, and requires medical evaluation. However, for occasional irregularity, various natural supplements may help. Benefits should be felt in a day or two, If needed, most of these supplements can be taken long-term.

Vitamin C can be useful for the treatment of constipation. Besides its role as an immune stimulant and antioxidant, this vitamin is a gentle laxative as well. A 80 mg daily dose loosens the stools in most people. If this amount doesn’t work, gradually increase the dose or, alternatively, keep the daily dose at 80 mg and add the mineral magnesium, which, along with its many other properties, has gentle laxative effects.

In addition to these nutrients, psyllium, ground flaxseed or ground fenugreek seeds provide fiber and make the stools larger, softer, and easier to pass; they can be used daily. Be sure to have them with plenty of water to facilitate the passage of extra bulk through the digestive tract. You can also try prune juice or dried prunes for their laxative effects: they’re gentle enough to use with other supplements.

Supplement Recommendations

  • Vitamin C
  • Magnesium
  • Psyllium
  • Probiotics

What else you can do

  • Eat foods high in fiber, including raw fruits and vegetables, whole grains, bran, and dried beans.
  • Drink at least eight 250 ml glasses of water or juice a day.
  • Exercise regularly, and whenever possible go to the bathroom as soon as the urge strike.

Ref: Reader’s Digest- the-healing-power-of-vitamins-minerals

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